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‘Will Cockroaches Be on the Menu?’: Tucker Carlson Takes Bite Out of Bug Burger

icon Jan 11, 2024

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icon April 15, 2023

Carol Fox

Bugs skeleton can not be digested. The bugs activates parasites in your body that are normally dormant. Now your body is consumed by parasites. A good way to lower the population!

icon April 15, 2023


Just because we can make a bug burger that tastes like real meat, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD do it. Where are the long term health studies on human beings who daily consume bugs??? These people are sickos…

icon April 15, 2023


Does anyone believe Shufflin Joe, Barry Soetoro, Crooked Hillary, Bubba Clinton, Chuck You Schumer, Nervous Nancy, AOC, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab or George Soros are eating cockroach croquettes to save the world?

icon April 15, 2023

Broken Bad

It’s pretty easy to eat bugs lathered in chocolate, caramel, or some type of sauce, or even mixed in a veggie burger to hide the taste.

But, show me a video of Tucker eating crickets not covered with something, or mixed in with something else to hide the disgusting taste of eating a plain cricket, or a mealworm, or any other insect proffered up as a substitute for meat.

Even in Asia where insects are eaten regularly, they cook them in some type of sauce to cover the nasty taste of the insects.

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